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How to keep the saves for the next play?

How do i get work ethnic

how do i have sex with the mom

book code


Gifting Ginny in the Evening can give endless passion as (atleast when gift jewlery) it won't consume the item after giving you the passion for the gift

(4 edits) (+1)

How the fucc do I leave the couch dialogue with the redhead in shorts?!? I mashed every button I have on my computer! I saved it here because all I managed to do was bring up the save options. Where is the control guide? Complex is right..... Why don't you just explain the controls right here and now to everyone.

from what i've seen you just get stuck looking at the couch image you need to roll back so undo i

(1 edit)

if it ended and you are on the stuck picture, go left as if you can move 3rd person is recommended, then hit spacebar to talk ,the mom should tell you that they are waiting for you, go down once then left and hit spacebar to get the eating dialog, then get a blowjob from either one of them to get unstuck

i just buyed the art shop and im not getting money idk if its a bug or not


There's something to do with the sex shop (entering? talking?) that seems to reset the work ethic stat. Just so you know.


Also what is the phone used for?

how to get the key in the white cylanders?

In the painting room I think you have to crouch and there is a safe with the code someone else mentioned 951 use the item on the cylinder to get the key


im just curious on where the pen is located.

I can't open the game, I just got a new phone and transferred all my stuff to it. This issue has been happening with other games too, does anyone have anyway to help

how to transfer saves from last version?

Should be automatic

Also could you add auto-save?


I’ve played about an hour and I think this game is really promising! :) I actually love the idea of exploring the world in first-person and getting to switch into 3rd-person whenever. It’s a bit janky at times but really makes the place feel more lived in and fun to go hunting for items and clues.

I know there’s a ton of polish and shine still needed, but just getting everything working at this rate is an acomplishment!

How to get in Lias room in the morning?

(2 edits)

In the painting room I think you have to crouch and there is a safe with the code someone else mentioned 951 use the item on the cylinder in the living room to get the key


everytime i do a scene in the couch with ginny its stuck on one animation pls fix it


I will, dont worry

Yeah I've noticed that as well but like an idiot I decided to save right there so now I'm stuck lol

If you interact with someone else, or exit out of the game should be fixed

I'll need to reinstall the update to get this to work?

Just to download it again

This issue isn't fixed on Android yet.


In case anyone else is having this issue, I’ve managed to get out of the loop by trying to “give…” an item and then select “quit”. In every other situation, this would return to the choice screen, but this case actually just moves the clock forward and breaks the cycle.

(1 edit)

Thank in advance if it does work. If not thanks for the help. Wait nvm I re read the sentence. Yeah it just moved the clock forward 

Cant download 2.1



The uploads got fucked, I'm reupload them right now




please add ginny sex scenes


Downloaded it but couldnt install it at all and my phone suddenly is filled with something that i dont know because in settings it shows under the name ''other''

Is it just me, but the camera and controls just keep going left and I can't control it


1.2 Build: Looking forward to more update, some things were buggy but it is workable and still in the first build. I gotten to all the 12 scene that is shown to the right. 

-Confusing at first when learning controls (still messing up Menu and First-person-view(I'll shorten to FPV). I noticed that when mobile controls shows up and u can use the mouse to press/drag.  When using FPV, I couldn't tell if i was crouched or not, would be nice if there was a change in the height of the camera, or a symbol indicating what position we are, otherwise would just keep changing view from FPV and overview.  Looking from the overview, I could see that we are crouched.  You can leave the apartment, and there is a map overview with a few other locations

-Couldn't really do anything with the sister, don't know if u can get inside her room. There is a puzzle to be able to enter Lia's room in the morning.

- Scenes - If u reach a certain passion requirement, the bonus scenes/dialogues get added. There is a message that tells you if you have reached the end of the available scenes.  

- Bug - I noticed sometimes during erotic scenes, when the scene changes, it would show a mili-second of the last erotic scene that you had done before. Another bug was that when at the far left of the pool, I could see a small model of the sister laying down outside of the map.

Could you tell me how to enter her room in the morning my kind person.

Greeting, Dontavius


How to get in Lias room in the morning?

i want new updatee

how to get into sisters room

pad lock code? and what to to with the cyilanders with the keyhole


The 3 number code is 951


You should use a different way to download for Android because mega never works.


Ive come into a problem using any other broswer but google chrome works

Deleted post

i downloaded the android version and when i try opening it, it crash im using and android phone though with 128gb 

When is the next update??

Anal sex?



How do you use the movie and the book

(1 edit)

Sadly on Android can't look up or down to get into safe so I'm stuck on not being able to get into Lia's room in the morning :(

on PC I had to crouch... good luck


I can't crouch either😓 (unless there's a button I just hadn't noticed)


Button +


... I feel really stupid now thank you for the assist😅


what is the code of the safe??


Baptiste677 says 9514

the code doesnt work? anything else

in android I can't play game .After unity thing screen is going black and nothing happening. What should I do? I wait about 10 minutes in black screen.

will there be a Mac version?

I will make one


This game is actually pretty decent and shows promise I'm looking forward to seeing how this project evolves. Good work here Dony.

What does  Apartment deed do?


is there any main story?

Nothing so far, maybe I'll add something in the future

Does this game have Chinese?

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